

Heritage Saddlery
Good morning Matt,
I have to say I had totally forgotten how lovely it is to sit in one of your saddles. Titch was reaquainted to ridden work this week and wow what a difference. He was described by his past owners as "cold backed" and i was advised to keep him in regular ridden work because of this. I was told if he was off ridden work for a week or more it wasn't unheard of for him to "hump or bronk" when first mounted and in the time i've had him this had been proven as true. However he has taken to your saddle like it's a part of him. He has been out of all work since mid oct '15 and in the last two weeks worn it during in hand and ground work without blinking where previously he would round his back up into his saddle shortly after tacked up or when taking the first few steps, with his new heritage there was none of this. Then this weekend after a short lunge session i got onboard fully expecting an explosion of some kind but it never came! Not a single raise in his back, no shooting forward and he can bend! We had some tail swishing which was in reaction to my legs aid but i was astounded at just how relaxed he was, I got off with a tear in my eye so incredibly grateful for the work you do! Thank you šŸ™‚

Thanks again Matt, I'll be back for more very soon šŸ™‚